Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025
Advt No. : 08/2024
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Important Dates |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Application Fees |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Age Limit |
Age Limit as on 01/07/2025 |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Vacancy Details | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total : 32438
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Eligibility Details |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Selection Process |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : General Instructions |
रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (RRB) ने ग्रुप D (लेवल 1) भर्ती 2025 के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी है। इसके तहत विभिन्न विभागों में 32,438 रिक्तियों को भरा जाएगा। नीचे भर्ती से जुड़ी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी दी गई है:महत्वपूर्ण तिथियां:
पात्रता मानदंड:आयु सीमा:1 जनवरी 2025 को उम्मीदवार की आयु 18 से 36 वर्ष के बीच होनी चाहिए। शैक्षिक योग्यता:
आवेदन प्रक्रिया:
चयन प्रक्रिया:
सामान्य निर्देश:
उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे आवेदन करने से पहले पात्रता मानदंड को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ लें। |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : Apply Online |
RRB Level 1 Recruitment 2025 : LINK |
Apply Link | Click here |
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
CEN. No. 08/2024 (Various
Posts in Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix)
Que. 1 What is
the opening date of Application for CEN No. 08/2024? Ans. The opening date of application is 23-01-2025.
2 What is the closing
date for submission of Application for CEN No. 08/2024?
Ans. - The closing date for online submission of application is 22-02-2025 (23:59 hours).
Que. 3. What
is closing date for payment
of fees?
Ans. The Closing date for payment
of fees of application 24.02.2025 (23:59 hours)
4 What are the dates for modification of application?
Ans. Modification window
will open only after closing date for submission of application and will be
active from 25-02-2025 to 06-03-2025 . If candidates wish to modify, change or
correct any details except details filled in the ‘Create an Account’ form
(including email id and mobile number) and chosen Railway, they may do so by paying a modification fee of Rs.250/-
(non-refundable) for each occasion.
(Please Note: Details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form and ‘Chosen
Railway/RRB’ cannot be modified).
Que. 5 Whom should I contact in case of queries related to submission of application and fee payment?
Ans. (i) Helpline for candidates: For any queries
related to submission of Application of CEN 08/2024 (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on all
working days)
Email: rrb.help@csc.gov.in Phone: 0172-565-3333 and 9592001188
(ii) Helpline for candidates: For any queries related to fee payment of CEN 08/2024 SBIePay Escalation Matrix : Contact Details for Candidates
Que.6 What are the requirements to ‘Create an Account’?
Ans. Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active registered email ID.
Que. 7 I have created an account for CEN 01/2024.
Should I create another account for CEN 08/2024?
Ans. NO, Candidates who have already
created an account
during any notification published by Railway
Recruitment Board in the year
2024 i.e., CEN 01/2024 (ALP) or CEN 02/2024 (Technician), CEN 03/2024 (JE, DMS, CMA),
04/2024 (Paramedical), 05/2024
(NTPC/ Graduate), 06/2024
Under Graduate),
CEN.No.07/2024(Ministerial and Isolated categories) or RPF CEN 01/2024
(Constable) or RPF CEN 02/2024 (Sub-Inspector) they are not required to Create
an Account again. They should login
using the same username and password to apply for CEN 08/2024. However, such candidates have to upload latest signature.
Que. 8 What is the procedure to ‘Create an Account’?
Ans. Under ‘Apply Button’,
select ‘Create an Account’, enter all details asked for including candidate’s
mobile number and email ID. OTP will be sent to candidate’s mobile number and
email. The same have to be entered and submitted.
Que. 9 Can I edit the ‘Create an Account’ details?
Ans. No, Candidates CANNOT edit any details of the ‘Create an account’ once the account is created.
10 What is next procedure after ‘Create an Account’?
Ans. Go to the ‘Home’ page.
Under the 'Apply' tab, select 'Already have an account' from the dropdown menu. Sign in to your account.
There are five broad sections:
Personal Details, Other Details,
Educational Qualification, Upload
Profile Documents, Preference and Preview & Submit. After
entering personal details, save and proceed to the next section and
continue in this manner until candidate reach the last section
‘Preference and Preview
& Submit’ where candidate can finally submit
the application. Complete the fee payment process. Finally, take a
printout of the application containing the registration number.
Ans. Some features
of application module
will not work properly on mobile platform. So, it is advised to use
Que. 12 What is the procedure
to login?
Ans. Enter registered mobile number and email ID followed
by password and captcha and submit.
13 How many Pay Levels
are there in CEN 08/2024? Ans. Only one pay level in CEN 08/2024.
14 Can I apply submit common
application for different Posts in same Railways? Ans. YES. Candidates are allowed to apply for
different Posts in same Railways.
Que. 15 Can I apply
to different Railway
for different Post?
Ans. No. Candidates
are allowed to apply for one
Railway only.
Que. 16 Can I apply to more than one Railway/RRB?
Ans. No, you should
not. Applying to more than
one Railway/RRB will result in
the rejection of all applications and will lead to
debarment from all future examinations of RRB and RRC.
Que. 17 Can I apply multiple applications to same Railway?
Ans. No, you should
not. Multiple applications to same Railway
will result in the rejection
of all applications and will
lead to debarment from all future examinations of RRB and RRC.
Que. 18 I have undergone LASIK surgery. Am I eligible to apply?
Ans. Candidates, who have
undergone Lasik surgery or any other surgery procedure to correct refractory
error are not eligible for the post having Medical Standards A-2 & A-3. Please refer Para 3.0 of detailed CEN.
Que. 19. Why Aadhaar verification is required?
Ans. Aadhaar validation is required to ensure genuineness of candidature. Railways will not share Aadhaar details with any third party or use them for
any purpose other
than the objectives of this CEN.
Que. 20 What is the crucial date for reckoning age for this CEN-08/2024?
Ans. The crucial
date for reckoning age is 01.01.2025. Refer Para 5.0 of the CEN No. 08/2024 for further
Que. 21 What
document should I produce if I have already changed
my name?
Ans. Applicants must possess a Gazette Notification or relevant legal documentation for name changes
and be prepared to present it upon request
during the recruitment process. The same should be submitted
at the time of DV. Applicants should also have to fill the original name and the changed name during ‘Create an Account’. In such cases, both the names will be reflected in the application.
Que. 22 What
should I do if I forgot password
to login My Account?
Ans. Click on the
'Forgot Password' option on the login page. Enter either your registered email
or mobile number along with your date of birth. The revised password will be
sent to the candidate's registered email address. Candidates must then login
using the revised password sent to their registered email. After logging in, Candidates then can create a new password by accessing the 'Change Password' option available on the upper right-hand side of the online application page.
Que. 23 Can I change my password?
Ans. Yes.
Candidates should first login by using the old password. After logging in,
Candidates then can change their
old password by accessing the 'Change Password' option available on the upper
right- hand side of the online application page.
Que. 24 Can I change my ‘Chosen Railway/RRB’?
Ans. No, you cannot
change the ‘chosen
Railway/RRB’ after submission of application.
Que. 25 Can I edit my details during the application process?
Ans. Yes. Any details in the application other than the details entered
during ‘Create an Account’ can be
edited till the application is submitted and registration number generated.
Ans. Candidates belonging
to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe only can avail ‘Free Travel Authority’ (free Railway Pass).
Que. 27 How do I avail ‘Free Travel Authority’ (free Railway Pass)?
Ans. This facility
is available only to SC/ST candidates. While
filling up ONLINE
application, such candidates, should choose ‘Yes’ from the drop down
under ‘Do you wish to avail free rail travel
pass for the exam
and fill up ‘Nearest Railway Station’. It is the responsibility of the
candidates availing free travel authority to give the correct name of the
Railway Station in online application, failing which their travel authority may
get rejected while obtaining reservation. They are also required to upload
their Caste Certificate.
Que. 28 How
can I receive the free travel facility?
Ans. In case of eligible
SC/ST candidates, their
City Intimation Slip/e-call letter itself will contain the free
travel authority (sleeper
class railway pass). They will be allowed
to book train reservation by submitting a self-attested photocopy of their City Intimation Slip/e-
call letter and SC/ST certificate at the ticket booking
counter. For further
details, refer Para 17.0 (e) of CEN No. 08/2024.
Que. 29 I am unable to upload my Caste Certificate.
Ans. Check whether the scanned document
is in ‘PDF’ format and the size is below 500 KB.
What is EBC?
Ans. EBC
is ‘Economically Backward Class’. Economically Backward Class (EBC) candidates
are those whose annual family income
is less than Rs.50,000/- (or) holders of BPL Card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under are recognized poverty alleviation program (or) holders
of Izzat MST issued by Railways.
Candidates should not confuse Economically Backward Class with Other Backward
Class and Extremely Backward Class.
Que. 31 What are the benefits given to EBC candidates?
Ans. EBC candidates are given ‘Fee concession’. Refer Para 7.3 of the detailed CEN No. 08/2024.
Que. 32 I am an EBC. What should I do if I do not have EBC Certificate?
Ans. Candidate should
have a valid Income Certificate, as per Annexure III (A) of the detailed CEN,
before submission of application. If they
do not have Income Certificate as per Annexure
III (A), Candidates can give details of their BPL
card, or any other certificate issued by Central Government under the
recognized poverty alleviation program (OR) details
of IZZAT MST issued by Railways. Refer
Para 7.3 of the detailed CEN No. 08/2024
for more details.
EBC Certificate/BPL Card/IZZAT MST, valid as on
date of submission of application, should be submitted during DV; otherwise,
their candidature will be rejected.
Que. 33 Are there reserved posts for
Ans. No.
EBC candidates are eligible only for fee concession. There is no reservation of
posts for EBC candidates.
Que. 34 Where should I choose
my choice of language for my examination?
Ans. Candidates
can choose one language from a list of languages available in the drop-down
menu under ‘Personal Details’ page.
Que. 35 What is the crucial date to claim SC/ST/OBC/EWS status?
Ans. Candidates
seeking reservation on the basis of SC/ST/OBC/EWS status must ensure that they possess the caste/ community certificate as on
the closing date (22.02.2025) for submission
of application of this CEN. During DV, such candidates should produce their original caste/community certificate (in
prescribed format) valid as on the closing date for online submission
of application.
Que. 36. What are the criteria for availing reservation under EWS?
Ans. Refer Para 8.7 of the detailed CEN No. 08/2024
available on the official websites
of RRBs.
Que. 37. Who are all eligible
for Fee Concession?
Ans. SC,
ST, Ex-Servicemen, PwBD, female, transgender, Minorities and Economically
Backward Class candidates are eligible for fee relaxation.
Que. 38. I am currently
serving in the Armed Forces.
Can I apply as an Ex- Serviceman?
Ans. All
candidates have to upload their scanned photograph and scanned signature as per
prescribed specifications SC/ST candidates have to upload Caste Certificate in
order to avail Free Travel Pass.
Que. 39. I have already secured civil employment as
an Ex-Serviceman. Am I eligible for Ex-Serviceman benefits against this CEN?
Ans. Ex-Serviceman candidates who have already
secured civil employment under Central Government in Group 'C' & erstwhile Group 'D' (including PSUs, Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies, Nationalized
Banks etc.) after availing of the benefits given to Ex- Servicemen
will be permitted only the benefit of age relaxation as prescribed for Ex-Servicemen for securing another civil employment in a higher grade or cadre in Group 'C'/erstwhile Group 'D' under Central Government. Such candidates will not be considered against the vacancies reserved for Ex-Servicemen. Refer Para 10.0 to 10.5 of the detailed
CEN No. 08/2024.
Que. 40. Who should produce
NOC at the time of Document Verification?
Ans. Ex-Servicemen
candidates who have already secured Civil employment, Serving Railway Employees
(SRE) and serving employees in Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings should
produce NOC at the time of DV.
Que. 41. What
is the benchmark degree of disability specified
for PwBD?
Ans. To
be considered as a Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD), the disability
should be 40% or more Refer Para 11.0 to 11.8 of the detailed CEN No. 08/2024.
Que. 42. Can PwBD candidates apply against unreserved
Ans. Yes.
PwBD candidates can also apply against unreserved vacancies of any posts that
are not exclusively earmarked for them but the post must be indicated as suitable for their disability in Annexure-A (Post Parameters) of CEN No. 08/2024. They
will be eligible for age relaxation and fee exemption while applying for these
43. How do I know about the suitability of various disabilities for the posts?
Ans. The suitability or
otherwise of a post for PwBD has been indicated in the Post Parameters Table
(Annexure-A) against each post, under the column
“Suitability for Persons
with Benchmark Disabilities” with details of specified
sub- category of disability.
Que. 44. Who are eligible
to avail Scribe
Ans Refer
Para 11.4 to 11.6 of the detailed CEN 08/2024.
Que. 45. Who all are eligible for ‘Refund of Fee’?
Ans. Candidates who attend
CBT are only eligible for ‘Refund of Fee’ (duly deducting bank charges) as
given under Para 7.0 of detailed CEN No. 08/2024. Please note that modification
fee is non- refundable.
Que. 46. Please let me know the ‘Fee Refund
policy’ of RRBs.
Ans. Fee
Refund policy: By proceeding with payment, the applicant acknowledges and
agrees that the Payment made is non-refundable and applicants cannot
raise Chargeback under any circumstances. The refundable portion of the fee (as per Para 7.0 of the detailed CEN) will be applicable only to
those candidates who attend the CBT. There will be no refund of examination fee
for erroneous, incomplete, or rejected applications and non-attendance of CBT.
Que. 47. In the application, only matriculation is visible. How do I add my other qualifications?
Ans. Under ‘Qualification’
select the relevant qualification, fill in the qualification details and click
on ‘Add’ button.
Que. 48. What date should
I enter in the application if only the month and year of passing are available on the
matric and other qualification certificates?
Ans. In
case the date is unavailable on any of the qualification certificates, enter
the last date of the month available on the certificate. For example May-2024
may be mentioned as 31-05-2024.
Que. 49. Which
district /state should I mention if district/state have been bifurcated?
Ans. Present
district/state may be mentioned since some districts will not be shown for a
respective state in lieu of bifurcation, i.e., after bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh
in Two states (Andhra Pradesh
& Telangana). Districts of combined Andhra Pradesh State have been
divided into Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Moreover, districts of respective
states have been further bifurcated. So, present district/ state may be mentioned to avoid ambiguity.
Que. 50 What
all documents are to be uploaded in total?
Que. 51. What should be size of the documents to be uploaded?
Ans. The caste
certificate, in pdf format, should be less than 500 KB. Photograph, in jpeg format,
should be between 50 KB to 100 KB. Scanned Signature, in jpeg format,
should be between 30 KB to 50 KB. All
dimensions are displayed in the ‘Upload Profile Documents’ page itself.
Que. 52. How can I pay the fees?
Ans. The fees can be paid only ONLINE
through Net banking
or Credit Card or Debit
Card or UPI services.
Processing charges and GST as applicable
are chargeable from the candidate
in addition to the fees.
Que. 53. What is the
fees that I have to remit? Ans. Refer Para 7.0 of CEN No. 08/2024.
Que. 54. What are the stages
of recruitment process?
Ans. Single Stage Computer Based
Tests (CBT), Physical
Efficiency Test (PET),
Document Verification (DV) and Medical Examination (ME).
Que. 55. What
is the pattern and syllabus for CBT?
Ans. Please see Para 14.1.
Que. 56. Will there be negative marking?
Ans. Yes.
There will be negative marking @1/3rd mark for every wrong answer in CBT.
Que. 57. Should I provide the order of preference for all the posts for which I am eligible?
Ans. Yes, candidates are advised to indicate their order of preference for as many
posts as they are eligible for in the chosen Railway/RRB. Candidates with partial preferences will only be considered for
the specific Railway Zones and posts/categories they have opted for, subject to
vacancy availability at the time of allotment. If no preference is given for
certain posts/categories, it will be considered as their unwillingness for
those posts. Once preferences are submitted, they are final, and no changes
will be entertained.
58. How do I know that
my application is finally submitted?
Ans. Final acceptance of ONLINE application will happen only after receiving
confirmation of fee payment.
The applicant
will receive a confirmation on successful payment through email & SMS.
Que. 59. In case of rejection of my application, will the fee paid by me be refunded?
Ans. No refund of fee will be made on account of rejection of applications.
Que. 60 Can I take the print out of the application?
Ans. Yes. Candidates
can take print out of their application after payment of examination fees.
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