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RRC SWR Scouts & Guides Quota Recruitment 2024 | South Western Railway Scouts & Guides Quota Recruitment 2024 | SWR/P-HQ/Scouts & Guides

SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT, ‘RAIL SOUDHA’, GADAG ROAD, HUBBALLI-580 020. Websites: www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in & www.rrchubli.in Employment Notice No. SWR/P-HQ/Scouts & Guides, dated 09.11.2024

South Western Railway

 SWR Scouts & Guides Quota Recruitment 2024  

 Advt No. :  SWR/P-HQ/Scouts & Guides Offline Form

Important Dates
  • Notification Date : 09 November 2024
  • Application Start Date : 09/11/2024
  • Last Date : 09/12/2024 
  • Exam Date : Notify Soon
  • Admit Card : Before Exam
Application Fees
  • General, EWS, OBC  : Rs.500/- (Five Hundred only) with a provision for refunding Rs. 400/- to those who actually appear in the written examination.
  • SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman/Female : Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred and Fifty only) with a provision for refunding the same to those who actually appear in the written examination.

  • (Note: Candidates must write their name, full address at the space provided in the IPO. Applications received with cash/money order/Central Recruitment Fees stamps/cheque/Bank Draft will not be accepted and hence will be rejected).

Age Limit
Age Limit as on 01/01/2025

Level-1 : 18-33 Years
Level-2 : 18-30 Years
Vacancy Details
Total : 11

Eligibility Details And Scouts & Guides Qualifications

Scouts & Guides Qualification: The following qualification would apply for recruitment of Scouts & Guides to posts in Level-2 and Level-1. 

a) A President Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger OR Himalayan Wood Badge (HWB) holder in any section; 
b) Should have been an active member of a Scouts organization for the last 5 years. The ‘Certificate of Activeness’ should be as per page 3 of the application form (Annexure-I); and 
c) Should have attended two events at National level OR All Indian Railways’ level AND two events at State level. 

Selection Process

History of Scouting/Guiding; Law and Promise; Organisation – ‘Distt. & State Level’; Training Center – Distt. & State level; Knowledge of Books; Scouting for Boys/Guiding for Girls in India; Motto left hand shake; Salute; Prayer; Flag Song; National Anthem; Know the National and Scouting flags; Social Services at various occasions; Hiking; Proficiency Badges, How these are earned?; Stages in Scouting/Guiding. Thinking Day; Progressive Training of Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers; Pioneering; Handicrafts; Indian Railway/Jamborette; National Jamboree; Jamboree on the Air. Organisation at National level, National Training Centres WAGGGS/WOSM-Uprashtrapati Award Competition; Prime Minister Shield Competition, Community Development programmes, Aims and Methods of Scouting, How Scouting is useful in producing better citizens? 
General Instructions
  1. The name & initial of the candidate & father’s name appearing in School/College certificates and in Scouts & Guides certificates should be one and the same. There should be no difference. Differences if any found, should be corrected from appropriate authorities before the submission of application.
  2. The candidate who desires to apply for both the posts in Level-2 & Level-1 should submit separate applications along with documents with separate IPO/IPOs as fees, for each level of posts. 
  3. The candidates serving in any Government Department or Public Sector Undertaking including Railways should apply through proper channel or should apply directly with ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ from the employer to avoid delay. Advance copy of the application from such candidates without ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer will not be entertained. Please note that no application received after the prescribed date will be entertained.  
  4.  The applicant is liable to be appointed against any suitable post in Level-2 or Level-1 as the case may be, anywhere on South Western Railway and Rail Wheel Factory, Yelhanka, if selected.
  5.  Candidates who are selected will have to undergo prescribed training course as applicable for the post as per existing instructions.
  6.  Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidature.
  7.  The candidates should be in readiness to appear for the written test at short notice after the last date for submission of application is over. Please check the SWR websites i.e., www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in OR www.rrchubli.in regularly for getting the information regarding eligibility list, written test etc.
  8.  The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC shall submit caste certificates in the prescribed proforma from the appropriate authority. OBC candidates shall also submit a latest OBC Non-creamy layer certificate in Central Government format issued by the Competent Authority to get the benefit of age relaxation in the proforma ‘Annexure-B’ & ‘AnnexureB1’. The original certificate must be produced at the time of document verification. The candidature of the candidates submitting caste certificates issued by the authorities other than those authorised, are liable to be disqualified. (Format of Caste Certificate for SC/ST candidates in Annexure-A and OBC candidates in Annexure-B & AnnexureB1 are available on the South Western Railway websites i.e., www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in and www.rrchubli.in. As large number of candidates are producing certificates issued by authorities different from appropriate authority, candidates are advised to strictly comply with the instructions.
  9. No TA/DA/Accommodation will be given for appearing in the Written Examination/Document Verification. They may also be required to stay during the document verification written examination for 4-5 days, for which they have to make their own arrangements.
  10.   0 Candidates selected against Scouts & Guides quota shall be terminated from service summarily if the information and documents furnished by him/her for recruitment are found incorrect/fake at any stage.
  1. First, carefully read all the instructions given in the employment notification before filling the application form.
  2. Application as per the prescribed format shall be submitted on A-4 size good quality paper. The Application can also be downloaded from the SWR websites i.e., www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in OR www.rrchubli.in The application should be filled in English/Hindi/Kannada language only. The applications written in other than in English/Hindi/Kannada languages will be rejected.
  3.  The application should be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting and signed.
  4.  The candidate has to firmly affix/paste (not to be pinned) one recent passport size color photograph without cap & without coloured glasses (not older than three months), duly attested by signing partially on the application and partially on the photo in the space provided for the purpose. Candidate is also required to enclose one extra passport size photograph (same as the one affixed/pasted on the application) along with the application.
  1. For posts in Level-2: The Applications filled in all respects as per the format enclosed as Annexure-I (3 pages) along with enclosures must be sent only through ordinary post (and not through Registered post or through Speed post or through Courier service) addressed to
    The Assistant Personnel Officer/HQ., South Western Railway- HQ Office, Personnel Department, Rail Soudha, Gadag Road, Hubballi-580020.
    The cover shall be super scribed as “Application for posts in Level-2 against Scouts & Guides Quota for the year 2024-25”. The application should reach the Addressee on or before 17.45 hours of 09.12.2024. 
  2. For posts in Level-1: The Applications filled in all respects as per the format enclosed as Annexure-I (3 pages) along with enclosures must be sent only through ordinary post (and not through Registered post or through Speed post or through Courier service) addressed to
    The Assistant Personnel Officer/HQ., South Western Railway- HQ Office, Personnel Department, Rail Soudha, Gadag Road, Hubballi-580020.
    The cover shall be super scribed as “Application for posts in Level-1 against Scouts & Guides Quota for the year 2024-25”. The application should reach the Addressee on or before 17.45 hours of 09.12.2024

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