Public Appointment Notice Posts of Clerk on ad-hoc basis
Important Dates |
Application Fees |
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Age Limit |
Age Limit as on 01/01/2024
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Vacancy Details | ||||||||||||||||||
Total : 17
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Eligibility Details |
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Selection Process |
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Postal Address |
Postal Address: Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Judicial Court Complex, Narnaul-123001 [Haryana] Candidates should submit their application form along with self-attested copies of necessary documents at the following address before or on the last date of application through offline mode only (By Hand/ by Post Only). Application received after the last date (30 November 2024) or applications incomplete in any respect will not be considered. |
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Required Documents |
Copies of the following certificates should be sent along with the application. Original certificates should not be sent with the application.
District Court Sangrur Clerk : General Instructions |
Interested candidates should send their applications as per format attached and properly sealed in an envelope to subscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF_____ and CATEGORY______ on left side on the top of envelope.
District Court Sangrur Clerk : Written Test | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
It is clarified that there will be negative marking in multiple choice questions. For every wrong answer, 1/4th mark would be deducted. The question(s) not attempted will receive no credit or discredit. Thereafter, out of total candidates who qualify the written test, the number of candidates as decided by the Recruitment Committee will be called for Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) i.e. to assess the proficiency of candidates in operation of computer, which is mandatory but the marks of this Computer Proficiency Test would not be counted towards the final merit as this test will be only of qualifying in nature. Computer Proficiency Test shall comprise of t-wo part's in Part-I, candidates will have to qualify the Spread Sheet Test which is of 10 marks and of 10 minutes duration, by securing 40 % marks or more i.e. 4 or more marks. In Part-II, candidates will have to qualify Computer Typing Test in English at the speed of 30 W.P.M. Typing Speed will be calculated by using the following formula:- No. of words typed-Mistakes Note: Part-II i.e. Word Processing Test will be checked only of those candidates who secured 4 or more marks in Spread Sheet Test (Part-I). The number of candidates as decided by Recruitment Committee, who qualify both the tests i.e. Written as well as Computer Proficiency Test (CPT), will be called for checking of original testimonials/interaction. Thereafter, Select List of the qualified candidates will be prepared strictly on the basis of merit in written examination. Name of candidate(s) higher in merit would be recommended for appointment as per the number of vacancies to be filled. In case, if two or more candidates have obtained same marks9 then the candidate elder in age among the same scorers will be kept higher in merit. Still further, in case, any such even scoring candidates are having the same date of birth, then they will be placed alphabetically (A-Z) in the concerned merit list. Venue and schedule of test/interview shall be notified on _or after 30.11.2024 on the website of this office i.e https://sangrur.dcourts.gov.in/notice-category/recruitments/. No separate information/letter will be issued for the same, as such the candidates are advised to check the website of this office in routine for further information. |
District Court Sangrur Clerk 2024 LINK | |
Apply Link PDF | Click here |
All Offline Form | Click here |
Notification | Click here |
Official Website | Click Here |
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