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Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Online Form 2024


 Naval Dockyard Apprentice Recruitment 2024  

 Advt No. :  APPRENTICES (2025-26 BATCH)

Important Dates
  • Application Start Date : 28/11/2024
  • Last Date : 02/01/2025
  • Admit Card : JAN/2025
  • Exam Date : 28/02/2025
  • Result Date : 04/03/2025
Application Fees
  • General, EWS, OBC  : NA
  • SC, ST, Female : NA
  • Candidates are informed that no money is required to be paid to anyone who-so-ever for this enrollment. All are advised not to fall prey to any touts/ so called agents in any way for this enrollment
Age Limit
Age. No upper age restriction for apprenticeship training as per Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) office memorandum No. F.No. MSDE-14(03)/2021 AP-(PMU) dated 20 Dec 21. Minimum age is 14 years and for hazardous occupations it is 18 years according to ‘The Apprentices Act 1961. Accordingly, candidates born on or before 02 May 2011 are eligible

14-18 Years
Vacancy Details
Total : 275

Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Online Form 2024

Eligibility Details
10th+ITI Pass

Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Online Form 2024
Selection Process
  • phase-1: Shortlisting form
  • phase-2: written exam
  • Phase-3: interview
  • Phase-4: documents verification
  • phase-5: medical examination
  • joining letter
(a) Shortlisting of Candidates for Written Exam.

Shortlisting of candidates for issue of hall tickets would be undertaken based on marks secured in SSC/ Matriculation and ITI, in a ratio of 70:30 and a merit list will be drawn up. Hall tickets for appearing in written examination will be sent to the shortlisted applicants in the ratio of 1:5 against existing vacancies in each trade and category to maintain reservation quota as per extant guidelines.

(b) Written Examination.

OMR based written examination comprises of 75 Multiple Choice Questions (Mathematics 30, General Science 30, General Knowledge 15) in English language with each question carrying one mark would be conducted for a duration of one hour at DAS (Vzg) campus. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.

(c) Interview.

Candidates in the order of merit of written examination would be called for interview in the ratio of 1:2 against existing vacancies in each trade and category. Interview comprises document verification and oral test as follows:-

  •  Document Verification.
During interview, candidates would be verified with the following original certificates.

  • SSC/ Matriculation Marks Certificate
  • ITI Marks Certificate
  • Aadhar Card 
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable)
  • PwD Certificate (if applicable)
  • Ex-serviceman/ Armed Force Personnel Certificate (if applicable) 
  • NCC Certificate (if applicable) {Self-attested photocopy of certificates also to be submitted during interview.}
  •  Sports Certificates (if applicable) {Self-attested photocopy of certificates also to be submitted during interview.}

  • Oral test.

Successful candidates in document verification will be tested with technical skills in their respective trade.
  • The final merit list will be prepared by considering the consolidated marks of the written examination and interview.
  • Tie breakers will be the date of birth in the order of elder to younger followed by name of candidates in the alphabetical order.
(d) Medical Examination. 

Every selected candidate shall be medically examined in accordance with Para 2(c) above. First two reserve candidates from each trade and category shall also be called for medical examination to make availability of medically fit candidates to cater vacancies if any emerged during selection process due to drop-out/ medical unfitness of selected candidates. Medically fit reserve candidates shall not have right for claim their engagement as apprentice.
Schedule of Examination.
(a) Written examination for all trades at DAS (Vzg) - 28 February 2025 AM

(b) Declaration of written exam results at DAS (Vzg) - 04 March 2025 PM

(c) Schedule for interview and medical examination:-

Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Online Form 2024

Admissibility of monthly stipend is based on Section 13 of ‘The Apprentices Act 1961 and ‘The Apprenticeship Rules 1992 read in conjunction with ‘The Apprenticeship (amendment) Rules 2019’ and Apprenticeship (amendment) Rules, 2022. These are briefly Rs.7700/- for one year and Rs.8050/- for two years of ITI certificate holders.

for one year
Rs.8050/- for two years
General Information.
(a) Travelling Expenses.

(i) No arrangements for boarding and lodging will be made by the Government at the place of written examination nor will any payment in respect of travelling expenses be admissible.

(ii) Candidates will have to make their own arrangements towards lodging and boarding during entire selection process (written, interview and medical examinations).

(iii) In case candidates called for interview, class II railway fare from the nearest railway station to the place of interview and back to their home (only for those failing in the interview) will be admissible.

(b) Hostel Facility (Lodging/ Boarding).

Limited accommodation may be available in the hostel for the non-local apprentices (male) which can be provided only on “first come first service” basis, and inliving apprentices will be required to pay the expenses on messing. Apprentices will not be required to pay for furniture, accommodation, electricity, water charges, conservancy, mess servants and replacement of crockery and utensils (except laundry) which will be provided by the Government.

(c) Clothing.

(i) Apprentices on joining will be supplied with two sets of white uniform, pair of black shoes, two pairs of stockings, two pairs of workshop overalls, pair of white canvas PT shoes and white shocks for free of cost and safety helmet, pair of hand gloves, four pairs socks, two pairs of PT dresses, two caps, hangers, practical log book, stocking bands, belt and ID card cover & tag etc. are on payment basis.

(ii) Apprentices will be liable to pay the cost of uniform and overalls which are damaged or destroyed due to their own negligence.

(d) Medical Treatment.

(i) Apprentices will be entitled to free treatment both at Dockyard Dispensary and at the Service Hospital during training period.

(ii) The cases of hospitalization will be referred to civil hospital in the first instance, if accommodation is available. If necessary the treatment in the Service Hospitals will be afforded in exceptional circumstances when the type of treatment is not available at the Dockyard Dispensary for the sake of providing specialized treatment like X-Ray and Laboratory examination or where the disease and accident is directly attributable to the actual performance of duties while under training. The cases for medical treatment will be referred to the Service hospital on the recommendations of Dockyard medical authorities and the treatment as ‘Out-Patient’ as necessary, will be at the discretion of the Officer commanding, service hospital. ‘In-Patent’ treatment will be free subject to availability of accommodation.

(e) Textbooks.

 As far as possible, each apprentice may be supplied with a set of necessary text books on loan. All losses will be made good by the apprentices concerned.

(f) Drawing Instruments.

On joining, apprentices will be given a list of drawing instruments which they must procure themselves at their own expenses. Apprentices will be provided with a locker for their books and instruments.

(g) General Behavior and Discipline.

Apprentice have to maintain strict discipline during training as per the rules and regulations of the Apprentices School/ Naval Dockyard as well as rules laid down in the ‘The Apprentices Act 1961’ as amended from time to time.

(h) Disassociation from Politics.

Apprentices are forbidden to join any labour union or similar organization or participate in trade union activities. They are also not allowed to take part in any political activity.

(j) Sports and Physical Training.

During the period of training, facilities may be available to the apprentices for outdoor and indoor games and they will be required to take part in them.

(k) Employment.

As per Apprentices Act 1961 read in conjunction with Apprentices (Amendment) Act 2014 and Apprenticeship (amendment) Rules-2015, it shall not be obligatory on the part of Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam to offer any employment to apprentices nor can an apprentice claim right for employment on the grounds of completion of apprenticeship.

(l) Police Verification Certificate.

Candidates would be required to produce police verification certificate during joining. Failing which their candidature will be rejected.

(m) Commencement of Training.

The training will start from 02 May 25. Final selected candidates will be offered apprenticeship contract for duration of one year as per the Apprentices Act, 1961.

(n) All other terms and conditions as are not specified e.g. training programme, certification, termination of contract, compensation, leave, absentees etc. will be governed by ‘The Apprentices Act, 1961’, ‘The Apprenticeship Rules, 1992’ and the rules framed thereunder from time to time, as well as regulations of the Ministry of Defence and Naval Dockyard.
Postal Address

Apprentice profile, two original hall tickets and all relevant documents along with check-off list placed at Annexure- II of this advertisement indicating status of enclosed documents are required to be forwarded in an envelope cover (Write trade name on application envelop cover) to

The Officer-in Charge (for Apprenticeship), Naval Dockyard Apprentices School, VM Naval Base S.O., P.O., Visakhapatnam - 530 014, Andhra Pradesh 

This would be considered as the off-line application for the purpose of enrollment. 

Required Document To Be Self Attached With The Application Form
  • Education qualification certificate
  • domicile certificate
  • caste certificate [if app.]
  • aadhar card
  • one passport size photograph
  • experience certificate [if app.]
  • all documents self attested
  • Apprentice profile, two original hall tickets and all relevant documents along with check-off list placed at Annexure- II of this advertisement indicating status of enclosed documents are required to be forwarded in an envelope cover (Write trade name on application envelop cover)
General Conditions & Instructions
Interested candidates should send their applications as per format attached and properly sealed in an envelope to subscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST APPRENTICE OF_Trade____, CATEGORY______,  on left side on the top of envelope.
  • Fill all the columns of the application yourself, In plain and Capital letters.
  • The application can be filled by the candidates either in English or Hindi. or Gujrati
Procedure for Applying for Apprenticeship
Thereafter, click on ‘Apprenticeship Opportunities’ in the home page and click on ‘Search by Establishment Name’ from menu and enter “NAVAL DOCKYARD” (Establishment ID: E08152800002) in capital letters and select Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam. A list of trades operated in Naval dockyard, Visakhapatnam will be displayed. Then select “Apply” against the desired trade. Any further instructions may be followed as per the apprenticeship portal guidelines. 

 Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice 2024 LINK

Application Form PDF  

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Annexure – I of Adv. No. DAS(V)/01/24

Annexure – III of Adv. No. DAS (V)/01/24


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