Applications in the prescribed pro-forma are invited from the eligible candidates for
engagement as Apprentices under Apprentice Act-1961 under following trades in CSIR –
CSMCRI, a constituent unit of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR)
CSIR Apprentice Recruitment 2024 Offline Form 
Advt No. : Apprentice/2024-25
Important Dates |
Application Fees |
Age Limit |
18-25 |
Vacancy Details | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total : 43
Eligibility Details |
10th+ITI, Diploma, Degree |
Selection Process |
Merit |
General Instructions |
Applications in the prescribed pro-forma are invited from the eligible candidates for
engagement as Apprentices under Apprentice Act-1961 under following trades in CSIR –
CSMCRI, a constituent unit of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research: hose candidates who have passed any of the above examinations in the concerned trade during last 3 years and those who have so far not availed the Apprenticeship Training and those who have registered themselves on the Apprenticeship Portal (website) may submit their applications in the prescribed pro-forma in the Recruitment Cell of the Institute on or before 20 th December, 2024. The prescribed pro-forma of the application is available on the Institute’s website and the same can also be obtained in person from the Recruitment Cell of the Institute. In respect of the trades mentioned at Sr. No. 1 to 12 above, registration on the Apprenticeship Portal can be done using the following link: Website: In respect of Diploma/Graduate Degree Holders mentioned at Sr. No. 13 to 18 above, the registration on the BOAT apprenticeship Portal can be done using the following link: Website: Please note that applications of only those candidates who have registered themselves on the respective Apprenticeship Portals for Apprenticeship will be considered. Please note that applications of only those candidates who have registered themselves on the respective Apprenticeship Portals for Apprenticeship will be considered. The columns regarding full postal address, email ID & mobile number in the applications must be filled up by the concerned candidates. The applications without the said details will be treated as incomplete and candidates with such applications will not be called for interviews even if otherwise found eligible for interview. |
CSIR Apprentice Recruitment 2024 : Postal Address |
Required Document To Be Self Attached With The Application Form |
General Conditions & Instructions |
Interested candidates should send their applications as per format attached and properly sealed in an envelope to subscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST APPRENTICE OF_Trade____, CATEGORY______, on left side on the top of envelope.
CSIR Apprentice Recruitment 2024 LINK | |
Application Form PDF | Click here |
Registration | ITI Pass |
Notification | Click here |
Official Website | Click Here |
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